Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Can't wait for this...

For a couple pf months now i have been reading the blog "NieNniedialogue s". I just couldn't take my eyes of it. I don't know if you heard about her story? She is a mother to 4 chidren and was involved in an almost fatal plane crash. Anyway after a long ordeal at the hospital and rehab she seems to be doing better and a couple of weeks ago she posted for the very first time a picture ofr her "new" face. I think she still looks goergoeus, there is just something in her eyes that radiates and makes her beautiful, and believe ne she was looking amazing before. I can only imagine how hard it must be to get used to not looking like yourself anymore. She seems so brave and i admire her for that. The EXCITING  news is that she announced she will be on Oprah tomorrow. Unfortunately we don't get to see this show here in Europe, except for some reruns on a dutch channel but they seem so far behind.

Read the New York Times story about Stephanie and Christian Nielson's plane crash and the enormous blogger support.

I really, really hope i can catch a glimpse of that show, or maybe i can order a copy of the show??

Now i am into her sister Courtney's blog and found out about the website "Cardiganempire".  I will have to check that out more in detail. Apparently she gives great tips on how you can get yourself a makeover, what clothes, colors, shapes fit your body shape.

I currently feeld hideous, i gained so much weight i have to run in potato sacks all day long and well... feel like cap when i sit next to my Armani suited coworkers (me in my saggy H&M clothes that dont fiit right and stuff) I also think that i need to realize i am not 25 anymore and should maybe consider dressing more like a woman and not follow eery fashion trend like plaited shirts,...

I wish i could look like this:

photo taken from Cardiganempire

Also on th news: i had another nervous breakdown during the past couple of days. The weather here is gloomy, the atmosphere at work is horrible, i am given the most boring things to do,.... So in a moment of despair i wrote a demission letter to the secretary of my boss. 2 hours later i told her to take it back, but she asured me it was the right way to go. Two hours later i changed my mind again and called her again to tear the letter into pieces.... Today i went to work and all was fina again, almost... So thank god i didn't snap and the boss didn't have the time to read it yt. But apparently some changes are in the air that could be good for me and my health which is degrading constantly since i have started to work at his f.... place. Thank god it is well paid...

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